It's autumn! Time for a Senz° storm umbrella

It's autumn and everyone knows what that means: rain, wind and storm. But with a senz° storm umbrella, you can then hit the streets without any problems. After all, these umbrellas are specially designed to withstand rain and storms, and they last an incredibly long time. Perfect as a durable advertising tool!
Sturdy umbrellas with iconic design
The senz° storm umbrella was designed in 2006 by 3 Dutch students from TU Delft. They wanted to do something against umbrellas that break easily and quickly end up in the trash. They succeeded: thanks to the -patented- aerodynamic design, the senz° umbrellas are perfectly resistant to hard rain and storms.
For example, they can withstand wind gusts of 80-100 km/h. Besides being functional, the umbrellas are also very stylish and easy to hold. Not surprisingly, senz° has won several national and international design and innovation awards.
Read the full story on our dedicated senz° brand page.
Senz° storm umbrellas
Meanwhile, you can choose from six different umbrellas in our senz° collection. The senz° automatic and the senz° mini are lightweight and small, making them easy to handle. Moreover, they are foldable, which is of course convenient to carry. The senz° original, the senz° large and the senz° xxl are larger and more robust, able to withstand any type of weather. The senz° deluxe is an extra luxurious version of the umbrella. Each senz° umbrella comes with a beautiful matching cover. The senz° umbrellas are available in a whole range of colours, from elegant black to striking green and stylish dark blue.
Senz° umbrellas with logo - sustainable business gift
Senz° umbrellas are not only an incredibly beautiful gift, but also function as a perfect advertising tool. This is because the umbrellas last a long time, which means that your logo will be visible for a long time and often. That makes umbrellas a very effective promotional gift. The canvas can be printed on 1-4 panels. In addition, the handle can be provided with a full-colour doming sticker. With a larger order, it is even possible to have the cloth made in company colours.
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